My name is Everett Davis, but I go by my nickname "Dee". The journey that led me to photography started as a biologist teaching at the University of North Carolina-Wilmington. When the university expanded its course offerings to include a master's degree program, I was forced to move to my next career- building and selling businesses. These entrepreneurial efforts produced a custom furniture business and an art gallery and frame shop. Fate intervened again, and I made another shift into the world of pharmaceuticals- more specifically biologics.
I retired from that career in 2008 and moved to Kalispell, Montana. I always wanted to be a cowboy when I grew up!. Although I had some photography experience in graduate school, my interest didn't really come to the forefront of my life until I came face to face with the wonders of nature here in western Montana just outside Glacier National Park. I took some instruction from a local professional and quickly became hooked. Since that time I have worked with other professionals who have been generous to share with me their knowledge. I also have developed a deep friendship with my mentor who has become my greatest inspiration and critic, Gustav W. Verderber. Gustav is a noted photographer that has many publications to his credit.
I see photography as a personal challenge for a couple of reasons: 1. there is a lot to learn about the photographic process, and 2. I am handicapped due to a spinal cord injury, and I find it difficult to walk any distance. The photographs you see here were all taken either from a vehicle or not far from it. Sure there are many shots that I have missed, but my determination to keep going has afforded me the opportunity to share these images with you.
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